High-Quality Fishing Tackle
Design and Manufacturer
in Japan.

PLUNGE 55g / 70g / 85g

At the time of falling, the metal jig that you can adjust either focus on speed, or focus onappeal the way angler wants. It is PLUNGE. When it falls freely, the falling is slow and fluttering in almost horizontal posture. When you add lightly tension to line, falling posture is nearly vertical and it can accelerate the falling speed. It is the versatile metal jig can use in many ways.

Lure Specs

Size Weight Type Range Hook Quantity Price
95mm 55g - - - - ¥1,000
103mm 70g - - - - ¥1,050
110mm 85g - - - - ¥1,100

(Price does not include tax)

Line Up

  1. WIW

  2. SPK

  3. WPG

  4. GSV

  5. MBP

  6. SRI

  7. ZGP

  8. SGP